Thursday, May 20, 2021




This is never said to someone that has inherited money, or stay at home mom, or someone who lives off an investment portfolio or rental property. It’s not about work.

WHY ISN’T EVERYONE REQUIRED TO WORK?  In many countries people are required to serve in the military or do community work.  Our society would only benefit from requiring everyone to serve in the military, peace corps, and or local community services.

And beyond the one- or two-year requirement for some sort of civil service, there should always be community jobs available. Not just picking up trash but working in various government offices and learning how they work, and in that way keeping our communities strong.

There should be plenty of jobs to suit every person’s abilities, as well as develop new and useful skills! And every neighborhood should have a plan to respond to any emergency situations- like natural disasters, pandemics, or widespread grid disruptions. By paying people in our community to maintain our community we all prosper.

The City of St. Louis could start this process by making CITY JOBS FOR CITY RESIDENTS ONLY. (And people with vacant properties that do not reside in the city should not be allowed to rack up three years of unpaid property taxes. St. Louis City generates 4 billion in property taxes but collects less than a third of that. We cannot afford these out of town absentee landlords any longer!)

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